My apology

---------------------x Tentando dizer em inglês o que me faz corar em português.

I'm going to have to apologize now if the fact that you make me hot means I'm turning into a bitch. If your skin fits my like my own skin, if our lips, once together, feel like one. If your smell drives me mad and the look you use to look at me looks more like a bullshit teaser. In fact, it is.
And just when I think I'm over the making up, it starts over again, until someone from outside stop us, and we blush, and we leave the room. God, I so wish there was a second room with no one around.
And in order to keep my already so distant mind in place, I beg you: don't go, and accept the issues I have that you'll get to know very soon.

3 escafandrinhos disseram algo:

Bianca Ribas disse...

God, I so wish there was a second room with no one around. ²

Isadora Beatriz disse...

"If your skin fits my like my own skin, if our lips, once together, feel like one."

ingles deixa tudo tão tão...sei lá..

- disse...

Amei o texto.


Tenho um blog no qual publico coisas que não consigo dizer neste aqui, Leticia Poesia, que é mais movimentado. Só disponibilizo para pessoas que não conheço, para meus amigos blogueiros. Se quiser ler, é só me mandar comentário com e-mail que eu coloco na lista de leitores.

